Before the sunrise Duc's sister, Thuy, kindly dropped me off at the international airport. I was then directed towards the domestic airport. Security was a breeze during my layover in Melbourne, Victoria. Barely slept on the plane because I wanted to take advantage of the current movie releases. I calculated I could view a minimum of four movies during the thirteen plus hours on the flight to LAX. Movies crossed off my list include Zombieland, Fame, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Jennifer's Body, The Informant! and a snippet of Balibo. In addition, I had a nice chat with a retired teacher from Boston, Massachusetts. Coincidently, her daughter holds a MA in Media Arts from Emerson College. Indeed a small world.
Proper use of toilet.
Window seat on V Australia.
Good morning Los Angeles, California.
Thirty-one days in Australia and I barely explored the surface of this phenomenal continent. Say the word, Duc, and I will move with you in a heartbeat, or in Beverly's words, "a cocaine heartbeat". As I reflect after a week from my return to San Jose, California, a substantial fraction of myself remains restless to fulfill a need to travel and climb the rest of the world and eat well along the way.
This blog has allowed me to remain neutral (think Switzerland) about my encounters, my consumptions, and my adventures. We laughed, we disagreed, and we held our tongues. The trip brought me closer to a few friends, while it drew a fine line for others who will not be named. For the most part, I gained new friends and strengthened my relationship with old friends. I cannot ask for anything more, but to share this remarkable experience with you, the readers.
Travel well and travel safe. And do not resort to magazines as a supplement to toilet paper. Check the stocked toilets downstairs.